Chennai-based Cloud Computing solutions provider Ramco Systems said it has implemented its HR and payroll solution at Kuwait Food Company (Americana) K.S.C.C., one of the largest food companies in the Middle East.
It said the first phase of the project has gone live, involving 9,000 in the UAE.
Americana Group was founded in 1964 in Kuwait and employs more than 60,000 employees across two divisions.
Americana Restaurants Division operates close to 1,900 restaurants of some of the world’s most popular brands.
Americana Food Division has a wide foot-print, with 25 manufacturing sites and products distributed to more than 20 countries.
It is not clear if the contract extends to both divisions.
Ramco’s HR suite includes aspects such as the management of leave, time & attendance, payroll, talent management and performance management.
Ramco will also provide its managed payroll services to handle Americana’s multi-country, multicurrency operations.
Ramco uses technologies like voice, chatbots, and machine learning based automation to enhance its offering.
The company’s multi-tenant Cloud architecture now serves more than 500 customers worldwide, it said.
The company is arguably the most successful Indian company focused on enterprise cloud computing software. It competes with global biggies like Salesforce.com, Oracle and SAP, primarily by offering a more cost-efficient solution.