The Central government has agreed to fund the construction of residential schools for girls from the scheduled caste community in districts with large populations from the community.
The center will provide the cost of constructing the school as well as for purchasing items such as furniture, recreation, garden, etc., minister Thaawar Chand Gehlot.
Only classes 6 to 12 are covered by the new scheme.
However, the initiative to set up the school has to be taken by the state governments.
The state governments have to not only come up with proposals, but also provide land free of cost for the schools.
The day-to-day operations too have to be managed by the state governments, but the center will fund some of the running costs for the first three years.
The scheme is being added to the existing ‘Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojna (BJRCY)’.
“The interested State Government will submit detailed project report for setting up of “Residential schools for SC girls” in their State including allotment of land for the schools. Based on the proposal received from the State Governments, location of the proposed residential school for SC girls will be selected by this Ministry,” Gehlot said.
Members of certain communities listed in the schedule to the constitution are given special attention by the government to ensure their adequate representation in education and government services.