Antony backs up Wikileaks charge on Pakistani terror links

India’s defence minister AK Antony has reacted to the Wikileaks’ revelation that parts of the Pakistani government were in touch with the terror groups who bombed the Indian embassy of Kabul in 2008.

Antony said the biggest hurdle to better relations between India and Pakistan was the links between high officials in Pakistan and terror groups.

“We know very well there are elements in Pakistan’s various structures that are supporting terrorists. It is a known fact to everyone… It is a safe haven for terrorists.. a training ground for the terrorists,” Antony said in Delhi, reacting to the Wikileaks revelation.

“If they are sincerely interested in normalizing relations with India, they must disband the terrorist network in Pakistan,” he said.

Pakistan NSA said known groups may’ve bombed Indian embassy, rogue battalion behind LoC shelling

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