Samsung leads Apple by a wide margin in US mobile market: comScore

Apple may be grabbing all the media headlines, but according to the results of a survey of 30,000 U.S. mobile subscribers by comScore, it is Samsung which has the lead in mobile handset market share.

Even in the smartphone market, Google’s Android beat Apple’s iOS hollow, according to the numbers for February.

The survey found that 44%, or 104 million, of the US mobile subscribers used a smartphone.

Google’s Android had a market share of over 50% among smartphone users in the US, commScore said. The iPhone had a market share of about 30%.

Moreover, Android’s market share was up 17 points from the same month in 2011, while Apple’s market share rose only 5 percentage points.

They were followed by Blackberry maker RIM at 13.4 percent, Microsoft at 3.9 percent and Symbian at 1.5 percent.

Apple’s market share was even lower in the overall mobile phone market.

Samsung led with 25.6 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers, followed by LG with a 19.4 percent share. Apple captured the no. 3 ranking with 13.5 percent of mobile subscribers (up 2.3 percentage points).

The trio was followed by Motorola at 12.8 percent and HTC at 6.3 percent (up 0.4 percentage points).

The number of smartphone users rose 14% compared to November, digital market research firm comScore added.

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