Samsung Galaxy Note 5 has physical keyboard; S6 Edge Plus too comes with 5.7 inch display


Samsung has unveiled the latest Galaxy phones – the S6 Edge+ and the Note 5.

The features of the phones are as follows.

Galaxy Note 5

“The (big) display (of the Note) once called a gimmick has become essential,” said Samsung unveiling the Note 5.

The company said users wanted a big screen, but a not-so-bulky device. “It may not be easy to fit in your pockets… Consumers were forced to choose between portability and size.”

The Note 5 has a curved glass screen that is friendly for people to use with one hand, Samsung said.

The new Note 5 supports writing when turned off, like a paper notebook.


The Galaxy Note 5 also comes with a keyboard cover — remember Blackberry?

The physical keyboard on the Note 5 is perhaps the biggest move to make Android more enterprise, and email, friendly. Very few models in the Android world have physical keypad.


Samsung said consumers wanted a bigger screen on the Galaxy S6 Edge and the Plus version was the result of the company listening to its customers.

Despite a bigger screen, the phone is actually smaller, said Samsung.



The S6 Plus Edge also incorporates live broadcast from the phone without any extra app installed.

The broadcast is displayed on Youtube.

Both phones come with quad-HD 5.7-inch Super AMOLED display, and both phones come with 4 GB of RAM.




The phones also come with fast charging on wireless as well. Even wirelessly, the phone can be full charged in just two hours from zero.

“It will eventually become the most common thing.. to place your phone on the table and the phone will automatically charge.”

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The phones will be available in the US and Canada next week, and the US preorders start today at 3 pm.
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