Mississippi goes live on TCS-developed unemployment benefits platform

TCS USAIT company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) said it has deployed software to provide unemployment insurance by the Mississippi, Rhode Island and Maine Consortium to help unemployed individuals.

Mississippi’s unemployment insurance program helps provides monetary benefits to those who have involuntarily lost their jobs while they look for new employment opportunities, the company added.

The TCS developed unemployment insurance solution also includes an enhanced mobile app that provides easy access for claimants to file weekly certifications with work search details.

Mississippi began implementation of the unemployment insurance solution prior to the formation of the Consortium while the states of Maine and Rhode Island plan to adopt the solution in the near future.

TCS has been helping several US states to modernize their systems that support unemployment insurance programs, the company further added.

Mark Henry, Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security said, “The successful launch of the TCS developed UI multi-tenant application in Mississippi demonstrates that the MRM Consortium continues to move forward. We are pleased that Mississippi is the first state to launch such an application, and we look forward to the deployment in Rhode Island and Maine next year. This success certainly required extensive team work and coordination by all the partners, and is an example of what we can achieve together.”

Tanmoy Chakrabarty, Global Head, Government industry Solutions Unit of TCS siad,”TCS is delighted to partner with the MRM Consortium to pioneer this robust multi-state Unemployment Insurance modernization. We believe this will be a harbinger for many other U.S. states to enhance their systems and fast-track improved service delivery to their stakeholders.”

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